

Did you spot Wiser on This Morning this week? Autumn’s here, the temperature’s dropping and customers are now looking for maximum comfort and performance from their central heating - Alice Beer covers the benefits of smart thermostats on This Morning and advice for households on important pre-winter checks that heating engineers can carry out to save money on heating bills.

So remind your customers about these important checks to help them improve and maintain good central heating efficiency as systems click on across the UK.

Tips For Getting Central Heating Ready For Winter

As well as great upgrades like smart thermostats, This Morning’s Alice Beer explains other boiler tips and tweaks that save energy, improve comfort and reduce our carbon footprint this winter:

 Time for a new boiler? It’s costly but certainly an investment. Replacing an older grade G-rated boiler for an efficient grade A-rated boiler, for example, could save up to £600 a year in energy costs!
 Wrap up your water cylinder - Save up to £60 a year by insulating the water cylinder.
 Heat less, wear more - Save up to £70 a year by turning heating down by just one degree - wear your favourite jumper at home instead!
 Bleed your radiators – A quick and easy job to remove trapped air and improve efficiency.
 Balance your system – If radiators furthest from the boiler don’t get as hot as others, you may need the flow rate across your system re-balancing. This is a quick job for your local professional heating engineer that’ll improve comfort.


Are Smart Thermostats Worth It This Winter?

The benefits of better heating controls are two-fold; heating your home is easier, so you’ll enjoy total comfort and save energy and money, by only heating your home and each room when you need to. Smart heating by Wiser from Drayton has clever features to maximise comfort and efficiency:

 Easy, convenient heating control means easy adjustments via the approom thermostat or radiator thermostat.
 Remote heating control via the app means adjusting your heating from anywhere. Not at home? Activate Away Mode to save energy and control your heating on your phone.
 The carefully designed Smart Modes learn about the heat properties of your home to save energy and maximise comfort.
 See exactly how your heating system’s performing and how much energy you’ve saved in Wiser Insights and the Heat Report, accessible anytime in the Wiser Heat app.

We’re glad to see smart heating controls saving energy and improving comfort for millions of UK households. If you’ve spotted the Wiser thermostat system on This Morning and would like more information on How Wiser Works, visit our website and read our FAQs section and find out Where You Can Buy Wiser Online Today.

By completing the Wiser Approved installer traning, you'll receive exclusive benefits:
 A FREE Wiser kit for you to use at home
 Money-off deals
 Priority tech support
 Easy online registration for extended 5 year warranties
 Access to sales tools
 Your company’s details featured on the Wiser website to generate leads and help grow your business


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