
The Seventh Carbon Budget – What it means for heating controls

The Climate Change Act (2008)[1] holds the Government accountable in its progress towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It does this by requiring the Government to propose regular, legally binding milestones that it must reach to achieve these targets. These are known as carbon budgets.

The Government’s independent climate advisors, the Climate Change Committee (CCC), recently published its seventh carbon budget[2]. The headline piece of advice provided by the latest carbon budget states that the UK’s emissions should be 13% of their 1990 levels by 2040.

Climate Change Committee logo - Smart Heating - crop


Highlights for the heating sector

According to the CCC’s latest carbon budget, around half of homes will need to have a heat pump installed by 2040. In the next 10 years alone, around 1.5 million of the systems will need to be installed. The CCC also recommends that the Government reinstates its planned regulation that would require all heating systems installed beyond 2035 to be low carbon. 

The CCC also caveated this target by adding that as consumers electrify their home heating systems, grid infrastructure must be improved, and other energy efficiency measures should be installed in people’s homes sooner to create warm, cost-effective, and lower carbon living spaces.

On the topic of electrification, the Government has also been urged to make electric heating systems, such as heat pumps, more cost-effective than their fossil fuel alternatives, by reducing the price of electricity. So called ‘levies’ placed on the cost of electricity to pay for policies supporting the UK’s net zero targets are disincentivising consumers from making the switch as it pushes electricity prices up. Removing these policy levies will make heat pumps and other low carbon heating systems cheaper to run, and a more attractive investment for consumers.


What does this mean for heating controls?

Rebalancing energy levies aren’t the only way to help incentivise consumers to switch to low carbon heating systems. The CCC have attributed 9% of emissions reductions in 2040 to other energy saving practices such as installing thermostats and smart heating controls.

Drayton estimates that homes can save up to 30% a year* on their energy bills with Wiser’s Smart Heating Controls[3], providing consumers with better control over their heating with smart Insights and tailored multi-room controls. 

Providing consumers with additional control to save energy further bolsters the case for low carbon heating systems. Intuitive control systems will also create that added peace of mind for your customers who may be unfamiliar with the new technology through a familiar user interface and automatic energy saving adjustments. 

Wiser Insights+, the only smart heating data display service that connects to your smart meter, available in the Wiser Home app


How you can help

Your Wiser installations have the capacity to save consumers money and reduce their carbon emissions even further than with a standalone heat pump system. We are delighted that the Government is taking this seriously by providing support for this technology to low-income households. Support schemes such as the Warm Homes Grant[4],[5] delivers funding to housing associations and local authorities to help upgrade the energy performance of low-income homes in England. 

As a TrustMark registered heating control installer, you have the power and opportunity to engage with local authorities and other social housing providers that are delivering these measures. Not only is this a key aspect of the Government’s plan to reduce fuel poverty, but will ensure that you are at the forefront of delivering energy saving measures such as smart controls to low income and vulnerable households. 

If you would like to join Drayton in its mission to deliver intuitive, energy saving control systems to eligible consumers, visit the RISE website to find out about how you can support the retrofit supply chain. 


What the Government should do next

Heating control systems are a small but mighty addition to the domestic heating system. They can improve the energy efficiency of a home, reduce damp and mould issues, and provide consumers with greater control over their energy consumption. 

We want to make sure that you can offer your customers the most cost-effective, energy efficient, and intuitive systems available. The next few years will be crucial to build up consumer awareness and confidence in the new technology, and the private sector must ensure that it is creating positive experiences for homeowners and occupants.

Drayton, and the wider heating control industry, would like to see the benefits of this technology recognised within existing regulations. Currently, despite planned reforms and the launch of various Warm Homes grants, heating controls are still not recognised as a core energy saving measure when calculating a property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)[6].

Smart control systems can significantly reduce costs for both social landlords and tenants, which is especially important to help drive down fuel poverty levels. Visit the Wiser website to find out more about Smart Heating Controls, and the benefits they provide.


[1] Climate Change Act 2008

[2] The Seventh Carbon Budget - Climate Change Committee

[3] How a Wiser Smart Home Saves You Energy | Wiser

[4] Warm Homes: Local Grant - GOV.UK

[5]Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund – GOV.UK

[6] Standard Assessment Procedure - GOV.UK

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